It’s probably mostly to do with real secrets, people reading somewhere about voice to skull, etc., then everyone else not believing that there really are verifiable strings of patents for the development. Doctors trust that their medical knowledge would tell them, but it doesn’t. There are people fighting you organizationally and in all sorts of ways to stop you from expressing your ideas, but there actually are strings of patents for the development of this technology and other similar technologies, like ones that make people feel bugs on their skin, create holograms in the sky that look like UFOs, anti-shoplifting mind control frequencies overlaid on music, and inventions that induce specific dream states. All this and more.
It’s really difficult to realize someone has noticed you, not knowing what they see or how, while at the same time you can’t get the right support because no one believes you, almost certainly due to influence and lies or mind-altering sound waves that make you sound unbelievable. Most people didn’t think they would get found out, and most people certainly weren’t educated about it. I think a lot of the rights the mental health system has reinforced are to do with drug users and abusers phrasing the system and not always people who are honest about taking drugs.
The history is related to things like freemasonry, the creation of mechanisms of influence like pretending to be a vocalization in someone’s head. For example, standing near to someone in the street and saying “I’m thinking about selling my business at a lower price” in a voice that is similar to how they talk to themselves might make the influencee think they thought it themselves. And with the microwave hearing effect (V2K) doing it like some sort of thought operating system, it can be absolute hell to realize, when unprepared and unsupported.
The good news is that we can force doctors to update the system! We can destroy the idea that it’s healthy to be forcing patients to take medication they haven’t agreed to, or treating them worse than criminals, detaining them for multiple months or years without trial, when they haven’t broken the law. Then we can generally start justifying our actions and actually caring for people in general.
I invite you to browse to to see some more of the patents.