Ideal models for efficiency calculation of medical treatments. Please comment any changes you would make. This model allows most good calculations to be done for certain budgets.
Contains illnesses and related fields not elsewhere.
- name
- description
Contains symptoms and descriptions and related fields not elsewhere.
- name
- description
- mortality_rating
Symptoms for an illness and the probability of indication.
- Illness
- Symptom
- probability_of_illness_causing
Like the drug name etc.
- name
- description
Contains treatments and related fields not found elsewhere will (different dosages and different durations for example are different treatments).
- TreatmentGroup
- name
- description
- cost
Is a list of treatment(s) that are suggested for a specific illness, different combinations work for multiple illnesses for example. Include related fields such as probability of cure.
- Treatments
- Illnesses
- probability_of_success
Tests and their costs and related elements
- name
- description
- cost
Combinations of element(s) that indicate a specific illness with a probability (you will have a different probability for a list with one test not done for example)
- Illness
- DiagnosableElements
- probability_of_indication
- description